My Latest News
August 2022
.A short film I’m in, Executrix, directed by Kati Skelton, is showing on the closing night program of the 2022 Rooftop Film Festival on August 25th. Venue is Green-Wood Cemetery in Brooklyn.
Details, tickets at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/rooftop-shots-closing-night-2022-tickets-329090878677?aff=website

December 2019
(Updated March 2020)
The first three episodes of Neighborhood Online, a comedy Web series, have been released!
I play a grumpy neighbor with a lot on his mind at the town meetings. Watch it here.
Future episodes are to be produced when the COVID-19 virus is defeated and we can all get out and see each other again.
Thanks to Cris Thorne at Crizlassic Productions for casting me.
April 2019
I've had a busy spring, shooting two projects, Executrix, directed by the great Kati Skelton, and a sketch comedy short, Manhattan Hillbilly, with Zsaknor Powe Directing for Blank Children Productions.
Both out this summer.

November 2018
I've just completed a shoot for a short comedic film, Spectacle. Spectacle is a strange, nightmarish dreamscape experienced by a young man on the day his student loans are paid off.